Our Community Engagement

At Laxton Trash Removal, Community Comes First

We believe that our responsibility extends beyond just providing waste management services. It's about building a stronger, more connected community. At Laxton Trash Removal, we're proud to be more than just a service provider; we're an active participant in the life of Delaware County.

Touch a Truck – A Day of Fun and Learning

One of our hallmark events is the "Touch a Truck" day, a favorite among local families. This special event provides kids and adults alike the chance to see, touch, and explore the trucks and equipment used in our day-to-day operations. It's not just about fun; it's an educational experience that brings the community together, offering a behind-the-scenes look at waste management and recycling processes.

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Stay Connected for More Events

To stay updated on future events like "Touch a Truck" and more, follow us on Facebook. We post all our event details there, along with helpful tips on recycling and waste management.