Residential Waste Solutions

Making Residential Waste Disposal Effortless

At Laxton Trash Removal, we don't just pick up your trash; we ensure that every interaction with us is smooth, straightforward, and stress-free. With over 50 years of community trust, we're not just a service; we're a part of your daily life.

Residential Features

Weekly Trash Collection

Enjoy the predictability of regular and reliable curbside trash pickup. Our team ensures your garbage is collected on time, every week, so you can set your watch to our punctuality.

Special Bulk Item Pickup

Got an old couch or a broken fridge? We arrange pickups for bulk items that don't fit in your regular trash setup, ensuring your home stays clutter-free without the hassle.

Recycling Services

Participate in our bi-monthly single-stream recycling service. We make it easy to handle glass, plastics, and metals, helping you contribute to a cleaner planet with minimal effort.

Residential Trash FAQs

  • Getting started is as easy as 1-2-3!

    Step 1: Contact us to discuss your waste management needs—we love to chat trash!

    Step 2: Choose your plan from our range of flexible services tailored just for you.

    Step 3: Sit back and relax, enjoying reliable, hassle-free pickups. Start today and feel the difference a dependable service makes!

  • Choose us because we make waste management easy and honest.

    Enjoy regular once or twice-weekly pickups, flexible service options like vacation credits, and no surprises with our straightforward billing—only three times a year!

    Plus, we’re proud to offer senior citizen discounts.

    And don’t worry, there are no hidden fees or binding contracts here, just a friendly local team ready to take care of your waste management needs.

  • Go green with Laxton!

    We provide recycling services that make it super simple to keep your recyclables separate from your regular trash.

    Not sure what can be recycled? No problem!

    We’ve got easy guidelines to help you sort it out:

    👉 Recycling Guide

  • Absolutely! We understand life happens, and plans change.

    That’s why we offer vacation credits so you won’t be charged for services when you’re soaking up the sun elsewhere. 🍹☀️

    Just let us know in advance, and we’ll take care of the rest.

  • We're more than just your average trash company. We’re part of the Delaware County family, known for our reliability, community involvement, and commitment to excellent service.

    From local clean-ups to our annual ‘Touch a Truck’ event, we’re all about giving back and keeping our community clean and happy.

  • Got something too big for the bin? No worries! We offer special bulk item pickups.

    Whether it’s an old couch or a broken fridge, just schedule a pickup, and we’ll handle the heavy lifting for you.

  • Paying your bill is a breeze with Laxton. You can pay here online, call us, or send in a check.

    Address to send in check:

    P.O. Box 98
    Lenni, PA, USA, 19052

    We accept VISA and MasterCard for your convenience, ensuring a smooth, hassle-free payment process.

    Plus, with our easy billing system, you only need to remember to pay three times a year!

Ready to simplify your waste management?

Get started with us today and embrace the ease of reliable, community-focused trash removal right at your doorstep.

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